Matthew Moccio is the author of When the Picture Changes – Gaining Financial Control After the Loss of a Spouse. He is the creator of the Cranky Middle Aged Guy and Oliver the Advisor comics. His day job is in wealth management. He lives and works in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada.
When The Picture Changes
Cranky Middle Aged Guy Comics
Something happens to a man around the time he turns 40. The world around him seems to make no sense. He can’t fill up his gas tank or stop at the grocery store without someone doing things the wrong way.
Oliver Advisor Comics
Taking care of money is serious business, but it’s ok to pause and get a chuckle once in a while.
Updates from the desk of Matthew Moccio
What Matt has been up to lately and what is on his mind.
Each year over the past five years, 38,000 women have been widowed in Canada, according to Statscan. Matthew Moccio has extensive experience with widows and other women in transition. In this book, he uses that experience to help women begin to formulate a vision for their future. He then explains the key concepts of financial planning, investing, taxation and estate planning. With this information, readers will be more informed and feel more confident about dealing with advisors. This will help them gain control over their finances, feel more secure in their future and find peace of mind.
Please reach out if you have comments or would like more information about Matt’s work.